Individual counseling

Do you have any questions about working and studying in Belgium? Would you like to learn Dutch? Do you not know where you can receive medical and psychological support? Are you looking for a school for your child? Do you have any questions regarding residence documents? Come to Atlas!

Individual counseling at Atlas

You can follow a civic integration programme at Atlas:

  • You will take a course about life in Belgium in your own language. During the sociale orientation course you get to know more about work, education, health, history and culture.
  • Atlas will work with you to find the right Dutch language course and gives you tips on how to practice your Dutch.
  • You will receive individual counselling in your own language (Ukrainian or Russian). You can discuss your personal needs (example given: to work, to study, meeting people, …). You make plans depending on your personal goals here in Belgium.
  • Atlas guides you through the procedure of recognition of foreign qualifications.
  • Looking for work or training? Atlas will guide you towards the right organisations.
  • You will meet new people.
  • Do you have questions about a specific topic or situation? A counselor of Atlas will guide you or refer you to other organisations in Antwerp.

For who?

You have fled from Ukraine and are residing in Antwerp.

How to subscribe?

  • Go to Atlas. You will get information about the programme and the price.